June 2015
Dear Friends and Fellow Laborers in the Gospel,
“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;” I Timothy 1:12. It is such a privilege and a joy to be in the service of our great King, the Lord Jesus Christ. I am sincerely thankful to Him for calling me to preach and for giving me a work to do for His glory. I am sincerely thankful also to you, our faithful supporters, whom He has used in so many ways to make it possible for me to do what God has called me to do.
The first Sunday in May marked the end of our first year in Missions. The manifold blessings of the Lord over the last year have reminded us daily that where God guides, God always provides! He led us to step out by faith to become the President and General Director of Macedonia World Baptist Missions, and He has abundantly provided for our every need. We have put over 50,000 miles on our vehicle as we travel around the country spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. In each mile He has protected us, provided for us, and proved His care for us. After one year on deputation, God has provided us with 60% of our needed support. We are praying that we will be fully supported by the end of 2015, and be able to give our full attention to the task of being an aid to our missionaries, their supporting churches, and Pastors around the world.
During this quarter I have preached many Revival meetings and Missions meetings. It was my great joy to lead a young man to the Lord at an altar of prayer during a meeting in South Carolina. We also saw two saved at meetings in South and North Carolina. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is what the world needs! It will eternally change the lives of those who place their faith in it! It never grows old! It was also our privilege to be part of a Marriage Retreat as well as a College Graduation. The potential of these young people is unlimited as they give themselves and their families to the cause of Christ. We were encouraged by their response to the preaching of God’s Word.
At the MWBM home office, we are preparing for two days of Missionary Training in June with our newest missionary candidates. It was also exciting for the Home Office to have a departure interview with Br. Jamie Smithey and his family as they plan to leave for Chile, South America in June. Helping these missionaries and others like them take the Gospel around the world is the joy of my life!
I want to praise God for providing the need for the plane fare as I make plans to travel to Mexico in August to be with two of our missionaries. I’m looking forward to seeing what God is doing there. By way of prayer requests, please help us pray for our house in Covington to sell. We truly need to be closer to the Home Office as soon as possible. Also, we appreciate your prayers for our safety on the roads, and for the remainder of our needed support to come in. Your prayers are invaluable to us!
As Cassie and I have traveled this quarter to Maine, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee, you have gone with us through your faithful prayer and financial support. There is fruit being garnered to your account as the Gospel is preached, tracts are being distributed, and witness is given. Thank you for making the Gospel a priority! Only eternity will reveal the worth of your investment.
In His Service,
Psalm 28:7