March 2016
Dear Co-labourers,
Cassie and I greet each of you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We trust that you are well and enjoying the manifold blessings of our wonderful Lord. The Psalmist declared in Psalms 68:19, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.” One of those many “benefits” the Psalmist spoke of is the privilege of laboring along side many of you in order to reach the world with the glorious gospel of Christ. Let me assure you friends, our labor is not in vain. May each and every one of us determine in our hearts to press on in our soul winning, church planting, and missionary sending efforts. Only eternity will reveal the true worth of our labor together.
Whereas there are many stories I could share with you that would assure you that fruit abounds to your account as you partner with us, let me briefly mention two. A few months ago while preaching a very simple salvation message in Asheboro, NC, one young man in his twenties walked the aisle and trusted Christ as his personal Saviour. What a blessing to know the gospel still works! It really is as the Apostle Paul said, “…the power of God unto salvation…” I was reminded that night, yet again, the power to change a man’s life doesn’t reside in a preacher’s personality or his delivery style, but rather in the gospel of Christ that he preaches. Therefore, I am determined to keep preaching the gospel! I am firmly convinced that same gospel of Christ is the only hope this world has of salvation. May we remind ourselves often that what God did for that young man in Asheboro, NC, He longs to do for the world. It is not God’s will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance before it is eternally too late.
Also, while preaching Missions Revival in January at the Immanuel Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, it was a blessing to see a young couple that the Lord had been dealing with for some time surrender their lives to take the gospel to Spain. Lord willing, Brother Jason and Mrs. Jessica Stanley will be applying with Macedonia as church planters to Spain soon. I look for the Lord to use this couple in a mighty way in the days ahead to reach Spain with the Gospel.
Finally brethren, will you please pray for us? Please join us in prayer for safety as we travel. We are averaging several thousand road miles a year on our automobile not to mention air miles. There is a tremendous need for traveling mercy. Also, please pray with us about our support level. A few supporters partnered with us for our first year in missions, but now that we are beyond the first year that support has concluded and there is a great need to replace that support. We are still around 75% of the support needed to effectively do what the Lord has called us to do. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us on a monthly basis? I assure you Cassie and I will do our very best to make sure fruit abounds to your account as a result of doing so. Thank you so very much for your faithful prayers, support, and consideration.

Dr. Scott Caudill