Cassie and I greet you again in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is always a joy to share news of fruit abounding to the account of those of you that pray and partner with us on a regular basis. God has used each of you this quarter to supply our every need for which we are tremendously thankful. Several churches sent special Christmas gifts in the month of December for our family. Therefore, from the bottom of our hearts we want to thank you. You have been so very gracious and kind.
Over the past few weeks our office staff has been working diligently to provide our missionaries with the tax documents required by the IRS at year’s end. As you can imagine, this is a monumental task when you consider we have over 120 families that require this service. Since becoming the General Director of Macedonia World Baptist Missions, I have come to appreciate our home office staff more than I ever have before. Their passion for what God has called upon each of us to do for our missionary families is contagious. This year Macedonia celebrates 50 years of partnering with pastors, local churches and missionaries to get the Gospel around the world. Only eternity will reveal the true worth of our efforts together.
Many highlights come to mind as I think back over the course of the last few months. As a result of your prayers and financial support Cassie and I have traveled literally thousands of miles in order to “fan the flame of world evangelism.” We have been blessed as well to see thousands of dollars raised through the faith promise missions giving of God’s people through their local church. However, the greatest highlight of the quarter would have to be our trip to visit Macedonia World Baptist Missions church planters Jason and Heather Lowe serving on the island of New Providence in the West Indies. Since 2006, they along with their children Audrey, Ian, Aiden, and Ethan have given their lives to reach the Bahamian people for Christ. Having planted the Beacon Baptist Church there, they continue to see souls saved and lives forever changed by the power of the Gospel. As I preached on Sunday morning to a full house, one young lady having been convicted of her need to be saved trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. At that very moment I was reminded yet again, the Gospel never has, nor will it ever lose it’s power! It truly is as Paul said in Romans 1:16, “…the power of God unto salvation…” I was also reminded that God is still calling men to plant churches and reach people for His glory. As a result of the Lowes being obedient to our Lord’s command to take the Gospel to the West Indies, a young lady heard the truth of God’s Word and was gloriously saved! I wonder how many more could be reached with that same Gospel if we would just get busy doing with the Gospel what Jesus commanded us to do with the Gospel. Where there is a creature, God intends for there to be a preacher!
In closing, Cassie and I ask that you would please continue to pray for our safety as we travel. We have several other missions trips planned this year for which we trust the Lord to provide the funds. Therefore, we continue by faith.
In His service,
Dr. Scott Caudill