March 2018
March 2018
Dear Friends,
Cassie and I count it an honor to labor with you in reaching the world for Christ. Your faithful prayers and financial support have been used of the Lord to sustain us for another quarter of the year for which we are so very grateful. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each of you.
We have certainly been busy! Here at our home office we are working diligently to help our 129 missionary families prepare for tax season. That is right. As we reach the world with the Gospel we are still instructed to “render unto Caesar” as well. What a blessing, huh? We have also been very busy “fanning the flame of world evangelism.” Since our last update, we have traveled literally thousands of miles on both the road and in the air to help pastors stress the need to their congregations to continue in their worldwide missions efforts. The Lord has certainly blessed as we have seen Him stir the hearts of His people concerning the great need to reach the world while we yet have opportunity to do so. Truly the hour is late, and the need is great! The highlight of the quarter, however, had to have been after preaching a Sunday morning service at the Bethel Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro, NC. Having heard the Bible message, “A Vessel For the Finer” out of Proverbs 25, a young man 27 years of age walked the aisle and trusted Christ as his Saviour. It is always a joy to see people pass from death unto life having heard the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. After 29 years of preaching, I never cease to be amazed at the power of the Gospel. It still has the power to change men’s lives today.
Cassie and I also want to thank those of you that have given to help with the expense of our upcoming MWBM church planters conference in Europe during the month of July. The Lord knows our hearts. It is our desire to be a help and a blessing to each of our church planters while there. Needless to say, the cost of such a trip is very expensive. However, we firmly believe it is God’s will for us to be there and that He will supply the financial need in His timing as we trust and look to Him. I assure you we are doing our part to plan, prepare, and save as much as possible. However, we must pray that God will supply the remainder of the funds needed in the days to come. We are hoping to purchase our airline tickets sometime in the month of May. Currently the cost of airfare alone is around $3000 for the two of us. Will you please help us pray about this need?
Sincerely for Souls,
December 2017
Dear Co-Labourers,
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Cassie and I rejoice in your friendship as well as in your partnership for the furtherance of the Gospel. It is only through your prayers and financial support we can continue to do what God has called us to do. From the bottom of our hearts, we again thank you.
Since our last update we have traveled to meetings through Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Illinois, as well as our home state of Georgia. The Lord has been so good to provide safety as we have literally traveled thousands of miles to “fan the flame” of world evangelism. We have also been blessed to see more people saved this quarter as well. Recently after preaching a simple salvation message in Statesville, NC, at the Calvary Baptist Church two precious bus kids trusted Jesus as their Saviour. Two were also saved at the First Baptist Church of Clinton, Illinois, while I was there in a missions conference. It never gets old seeing people pass from death unto life. To God be the glory. The Gospel truly is the power of God unto salvation and continues to produce fruit that abounds to your account. Only eternity will reveal the true worth of our efforts together.
We have also been blessed since our last update to approve a new missionary family to Brazil. Here at our home office we pray constantly that the Lord will continue to raise up more labourers to take the Gospel message to the world while we still have opportunity to do so. Will you please join us in prayer for this very needed request? Surely the night is coming when no man can work.
Cassie and I also wanted to say “thank you” to those that sent a special offering for our missions trip to visit our European church planters this coming July. Thus far $400 has been given and we are very grateful. Please join us in prayer that God will continue to send in the remaining $2700 for plane tickets as well as supply the need for lodging while there. Please know we have only one motive for making the trip, and that is to encourage and be a help to our 11 church planting families in Europe so that even more souls might be reached with the Gospel.
By the time you get this letter each of you will be preparing for Christmas. Rest assured Cassie and I consider each of you a precious gift from God; a gift for which we are so thankful. However more than anything we rejoice in the gift of God’s only Son that was wrapped in swaddling clothing that first Christmas morning. It is only through Him we have the hope of a better and a brighter tomorrow. Therefore, let each of us remain faithful to His calling to reach the world with the Gospel for God’s glory. Where there is a creature, God intends for there to be a preacher! Therefore, we continue by faith.

Dr. Scott and Cassie Caudill