June 2020

Dear Friends and Co Labourers,
Proverbs 27:1 says, “Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”  As I prayed about the first paragraph of our next prayer letter this was the verse that kept coming to mind.  I believe if the worldwide pandemic has taught us anything, it has driven home the truth of Proverbs 27:1.  Is it not amazing how quickly things can change?  At the same time, what a joy it is to know that our wonderful Lord never changes!  Just this morning during our daily devotions here at our home office our West Indies field director, Brother David Fenley reminded us of Malachi 3:6a where the Word of God says, “For I am the LORD, I change not;…”   The world is a much different place than it was just since our last prayer letter.  Things have certainly changed.  However, our Lord remains the same.  His cause and His work continue and therefore so do we.
From the bottom of our hearts Cassie and I thank you for your friendship and your prayers as well as your faithful financial support.  Some of you have been kind enough to send extra financial support during this time for which we are so incredibly grateful.  Just like other missionaries, we have had several weeks of meetings to cancel, and God has used you to help meet our needs.  We never cease to be amazed at the goodness of God and the generosity of His people.  We are so blessed to be able to call you our friends.  Again, Cassie and I thank you.
I am pleased to report that the services our home office provides for our Macedonia missionary families have not wavered over the course of the last few weeks.  Our office staff has gone the extra mile to assure each family that our labor for them would remain unaltered during these unprecedented days.  Many of them have been quarantined with small children for weeks.  Others have had to put ministries on hold in order to comply with local officials’ stay at home orders.  The least our office staff could do for our missionary families was to assure them that we would be here to help any way we could.  We have maintained regular office hours since day one of the pandemic.  It is no small undertaking to handle the finances of every Macedonia missionary family, yet our staff has continued to do so without interruption. Beyond providing the daily services we offer our missionaries, our office staff has continued to implement a new software accounting system.  This alone has resulted in many extra hours of training, planning, and preparation.  Therefore, let me say again what I have said many times before,  I praise the Lord for those who are willing to labor behind the scenes, often overlooked or even thought of, in order for the missionary on the field to continue to focus on the work that God has called them to do.  It takes all of us in our place and doing our part for the cause of Christ to advance.  Thank you MWBM office staff!  It is an honor to labor alongside of each of you.
Throughout the course of the quarantine time I was reminded there is always something that can be done to reach others with the Gospel.  Recently Cassie has been burdened personally to reach our neighbors in our own community.  Having realized that world missions does not begin across the sea but rather across the street, she proceeded to spend a great deal of her quarantine time writing each neighbor personally.  Having acquired each of their personal mailing addresses she not only sent them her letter but also a tract which included a very clear presentation of the Gospel.  I was thrilled by her initiative, but I was also challenged by it as well.  That just goes to prove that “waiting” time never has to be “wasted” time.  Remember friend, there is someone only you can reach with the Gospel.  Will you?  If not you, who?  If not now, when?
The work goes on!  The King’s business requires haste!  Have you planned your missions Sunday or Missions Conference yet?  Chances are your church family will only be as excited as you are to reach the world with the Gospel.  Truly the hour is late, and the need is great!  Therefore, with your help and by God’s grace Cassie and I continue by faith.  
Dr. Scott Caudill
Ps. 28:7


March 2020

Dear friends and co-labourers,

I Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”  What a joy to know that our labour for the Lord and His great cause is not in vain.  I am convinced that only eternity will reveal the true worth of our work together to reach the world with the Gospel.  From the bottom of our hearts Cassie and I thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support.

Whereas the month of December slows down quite a bit for us at least as far as traveling is concerned, this January and February have been some of our busiest months to date.  I have found that many churches who have a desire and drive to reach the world with the Gospel utilize the first two months of the new year to emphasize missions in their church.  Therefore the Lord has filled our calendar with mission’s Sundays and mission’s conferences as well.  Week after week, mile after mile, praying, preaching, and preparing to assist the next pastor and church family focus on world evangelism is what God has put in our hearts to do.  It has been absolutely thrilling to see the Lord move upon the hearts of His people not only concerning giving but also going themselves as well.  In fact, I have been amazed at the number of interviews we have had with new missionary candidates just since our last prayer letter.  We have met with missionary families that God has called to take the Gospel to Ecuador, South Africa, California, and Northwestern USA, as well as an international ministry reaching mariners based out of Norfolk, Virginia.  It has been such a thrill to meet these precious families who have willingly laid their lives down in service for our wonderful Lord.  I look forward in the days to come to working with their sending churches and pastors in order to help them do what God has put in their heart to do.  We also make it a matter of prayer weekly here at our office that God would raise up more labourers for His work.   Truly the harvest is great, but the labourers are few.  Who will go that the world might know the Saviour?

Our staff has certainly been busy here at our home office as well.  Of course every new year our office works diligently to prepare the necessary tax forms for every MWBM family.  This alone constitutes hours and hours of labor for our office staff.  I am careful to mention that, because quite honestly it is a part of missions that very few people ever think about.  However, it is a job that must be done in order for the missionaries to focus on their work.  Therefore, I want to thank our office staff here at Macedonia that work diligently to take this load off of the sending church, pastor, and missionary.  On top of that, our staff has been training for months now in order to implement a new computer and accounting system which should go into effect April 1.  Would you please join us in prayer that all will go well with this transition?  Our missionaries and their works are depending upon it.  We certainly would appreciate your prayers for these needs.

In the month of July 2020, Cassie and I plan on attending Macedonia’s next European Church Planters Conference with our European field director, Dr. Roger Baker.  It is looking like the conference will be held in Germany again this year.  Would you please join us in prayer concerning the trip?  The plane tickets usually cost around $3000 for the two of us, and then there is lodging to consider as well.   In the past God has always provided for these needs, and we believe with all of our hearts that He will do the same this time as well.  Where He guides, He will provide!  Thank you for praying with us for this need.  It is certainly our heart’s desire to be a blessing to our nine families labouring for the Lord in Europe and the Middle East.

There are many highlights I could mention over the course of the last quarter, however one stands out among them all.  Cassie and I had a wonderful “World Missions Sunday” in January with Pastor Alan Sinclair and the wonderful people of the Berean Baptist Church of Ellenwood, Georgia.  What a blessing after I finished preaching Sunday morning to see a teenage boy walk the aisle and trust Christ as his Saviour.  I am glad God is still in the business of saving old sinners!

We could not do what God has called us to do without you.  Thank you for letting God use you.  Thank you for your faithfulness.  Thank you for labouring with us.  Because of the cause of Christ and with your help, we will continue by faith.


Dr. Scott Caudill

Ps. 28:7

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