March 2025
Posted on Feb 27, 2025 in Devotions, HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear Friends,
Cassie and I want to again express our heartfelt gratitude for your faithful prayers and financial support. Your partnership in the ministry God has called us to with Macedonia World Baptist Missions is a tremendous blessing, and we are continually encouraged by your love for world evangelism.
This quarter, our travels have taken us as far north as Pennsylvania and as far south as Florida as we seek to “fan the flame” of world evangelism. We praise the Lord for His protection over the many miles we have traveled and for the opportunities He has given us to share the burden of reaching the world with the Gospel.
By the time you receive this letter, we will be just over a month away from our next Reach the World Youth Conference. If your church is looking for a meeting that will stir the hearts of your teenagers for world evangelism, this is it! Several MWBM missionaries have already committed to being with us, and the preaching, teaching, and even the fun times will all be centered around the urgent need to take the Gospel to the nations. We host it right here on our campus! For more information, visit Since our space is limited, register today! We would love to see you here.
We are also excited to report that our Pavilion Project is making great progress! This pavilion will serve as an extension of our Missionary Training Center, providing a dedicated space for equipping and encouraging those whom God is calling to the mission field. The Lord has been so good through His people to provide almost all of the needed funds with only $50,000 remaining to complete the project. If just 50 churches committed to giving $1,000 each, we could meet this need entirely. Visit this link if you would like more information or feel led to help.
In addition, we rejoice in the new missionary families recently approved by our Executive Board to serve in the West Indies, the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, and Ecuador. This is a direct answer to prayer as we daily seek the Lord to raise up more laborers in these last days. Always remember, if God calls you, Macedonia will help your church get you there!
On a personal note, Cassie and I celebrated our thirty fifth wedding anniversary just a few days ago. We are so grateful for the home that God has blessed us with and give Him glory for the opportunity to serve Him together. Some of you have sent anniversary cards for which we are very grateful. Thank you!
In closing, please know that Cassie and I regularly pray for our supporting churches and pastors. Your faithfulness and generosity enable us to continue in the work God has called us to, and we do not take that for granted. Therefore with your help and by God’s grace, we will continue by faith!
For the sake of souls,
Dr Scott Caudill
December 2024
Posted on Dec 2, 2024 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
As Cassie and I send our last prayer letter for the year of 2024, we do so with grateful hearts. It has been ten years now since the Lord led us to leave the pastorate in order to serve at Macedonia. During the last decade, God and His people have been so good to us. We are thankful to labor with you to reach the world with the Gospel. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your friendship and for your faithfulness!
As we reflect upon the year, we cannot help but contemplate the goodness of our wonderful Lord. He has allowed us to travel thousands of miles to share the Gospel and to help and assist those He has called to plant churches. We praise the Lord for a fruitful trip to Africa to visit two different countries and three different Macedonia missionary families while there. Our hearts have been thrilled as we have seen local churches determine to do more to reach the world with the Gospel through both going and giving. We have rejoiced as God has sent MWBM more missionary families to partner with. It has certainly been our joy this year as well to continue to labor with local churches and pastors in helping get their missionaries to the field and to sustain them while they are there. On a personal note, Cassie and I became grandparents this year. Our son Joshua and our daughter-in-law Amanda presented us with beautiful Everly Rose Caudill on September 30th. We rejoice in that she is healthy and continues to grow every day. To God be the glory! We certainly thank Him for another wonderful year of ministry and by faith look forward to what the Lord will do in the days to come. He is able and certainly worthy of our best efforts.
We also continue to move forward with our Pavilion Project here at our headquarters in Hoschton, Georgia. Some of you have given towards this project, and we appreciate your help very much. We have applied for the needed permits from our county and, Lord willing, look forward to getting started after the first of the new year. We continue to pray that the remaining $65,000.00 needed to complete the project will come in soon. Several of our missionary families have given sacrificially for which we are grateful. I have again included the QR code that will give you more information as well. Would you prayerfully consider helping us?
Please hold these dates on your calendar! Our yearly “Reach the World Youth Conference” will be held next year on Saturday, April 12. Our Labourers Together Pastor’s Banquet will be held Tuesday evening, November 11 during our National Conference at the Peoples Baptist Church of McDonough, Georgia. We are already looking forward to a wonderful time together. We would love for you to join us. For more information, log on to
Since our last letter, Cassie and I have been blessed to see three precious souls saved during the meetings that we have been a part of. We rejoice in the fact that God still saves old sinners! We also rejoice in the true meaning of Christmas. We trust you and yours will have a wonderful Christmas and a fruitful new year. Thank you again for your partnership in this great work for God! It is by God’s grace and with your help, we will continue by faith.