September 2024

Dear Friends,

Cassie and I are so grateful for your prayers and faithful support.  We are honored to labor with you to reach the world with the Gospel.  Thank you for your faithfulness!

The Caudills at the Fundamental Baptist Church of Tingandogo, Burkina Faso.

Since our last letter we have traveled to and returned from Africa having visited two different countries and three different Macedonia missionary families while there.  It was certainly a life changing trip that presented each of us with an opportunity to share the Gospel ourselves.  I was blessed to preach sixteen different times for our missionaries’ church plants and meet several national pastors that I enjoyed getting to know personally.  Cassie spoke in two different ladies meetings, one in which three ladies in Ghana trusted Christ as their Saviour.  To God be the glory!  We again want to express our thanks to those of you that helped with the expense of the trip.  We are convinced that only eternity will reveal the fruit that will abound to your account as a result of the investment you have made.  Thank you so very much.  The Lord has kept us both safe and well, and we are tremendously thankful.  Praise His good name!

We also want to thank you for praying for our reFresh week here at our Home Office that we hosted in June.  It proved to be a very profitable week as a record number of our missionary families were both equipped and encouraged for the ministry that God has called them to do.  Weeks like this are only a part of the services our board provides for the missionary families we are blessed to labor with.  We would love for your family to be a part of the next reFresh week.  If God has called you to go, we would love to help you get there!  For more information log on to today.

Over the course of the last few years, as Macedonia has grown so has the need for expanding our meeting and training facilities.  Currently, we annually host the Reach the World Youth Conference with over two hundred young people coming to our campus to learn about opportunities for missionary service around the world.  We have also experienced cramped quarters during our training classes and meetings for our new missionary candidates.  As a result of this our Executive Board has unanimously decided to build a covered pavilion to serve these as well as other functions.  I have included a QR code on this quarter’s prayer letter which in turn will lead you to a short video explaining The Pavilion Project in much greater detail.  Currently, we have about $112,000 set aside for this need and are trusting the Lord for the remaining funds to complete the project.  Would you prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you and your church to do to help?  Thank you for laboring with us.

Truly the hour is late, and the need to reach the world has never been greater!  Therefore with your help and by God’s grace, Cassie and I continue by faith.

For the sake of souls,

Scott and Cassie Caudill

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